Hidden Pokemon
Game Categories

Hidden Pokemon is a term used to describe Pokémon that are not readily apparent or easily accessible in the main Pokémon games. These can include Pokémon hidden in specific locations, obtainable through rare events, or even those that require special conditions to encounter.
Types of Hidden Pokemon
- Hidden Location Pokemon: These Pokémon are found in secret areas or require specific actions to uncover. For example, some Pokémon might be hidden behind rocks, in caves, or underwater.
- Event-Exclusive Pokemon: These Pokémon are only available during limited-time events or by completing specific tasks. They might be distributed through online codes, in-game events, or through physical means like trading cards.
- Shiny Pokemon: These are rare variants of Pokémon with different color schemes. While not technically “hidden,” their low encounter rate makes them feel like a hidden treasure.
- Shadow Pokemon: These are Pokémon that have been corrupted by Team Rocket. They can be purified to their normal forms.
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